Monday, August 8, 2016

20 - Charlie

5x7, acrylic
There is daily painter who I greatly admire, and she tends to name her paintings something that she has thought about, experienced, or feels during the day.  I love that concept because it's interesting, fun, and thought provoking, but also because it would be almost impossible for me to name each every painting something that actually makes that painting unique and yet still describes it.  Anyway, Charlie is my thought for the day.  Charlie is a gigantic German Short-haired pointer that I'm dog-sitting for my son and his girlfriend while they are vacationing. . . and I've just noticed some of the keys on my laptop are not working now that he has jumped on it. . .twice.  He's full of sweetness, but his energy level is. . . um. . . . HIGH, and he has no concept of his ginormous size.  So here's to Charlie - may my chickens be living, and my house be standing a week from now. 

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